Friday, November 19, 2010

just how big is our sun?

its really really freaking big, about ONE MILLION planet earths would fill our sun.

now look at how ridiculously small it is in comparison to the largest star SCIENCE! has discovered.


  1. I once watched a movie on something like this. It showed how earth was compared to the sun and then the sun to a bigger start and things just kept getting bigger. Crazy!!

  2. just thinking about space and how big it is just absolutely blows my mind. its crazy to think about how tiny we are in the grand scheme of things.

  3. Yeah, and how much can we actually see of the universe just from our vantage point. I'm sure there's probably a star out there that dwarfs VY.

    Universe is big. Yea yea!

    It's not small? No No!!

  4. mind = blown!

    i just can't understand this...kinda

  5. i love reading about this kinda stuff i read an article saying that if a sun was as big as vy canis then the current physics laws would not apply maybe it was just mubo jumbo tho

  6. But that huge star is then again just a tiny spec compared to the vast emptiness of space!
    Mindblowing indeed

  7. really puts trivial things into perspective

  8. That's quite the star isn't it...just like that bieber fella

  9. my left nut swelled up bigger than that once
